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Working with our Minutes Builder (Editor)

Minutes Editor Functionality Overview

The BoardCloud Minutes Editor is a dedicated component housed within the Meeting screen. It allows for the capturing of meeting minutes and meeting related reporting functions such as attendance and vote outcomes.

The Minutes Editor works with Microsoft Word documents only.

The Editor hosts all functionality required to create, edit and publish the minutes. There is also an ability to distribute the final minutes document to meeting attendees.

All published minutes are versioned for audit and governance purposes. If necessary a published minutes document can be unpublished to correct any errors in a published document. The minutes can then be re-published and redistributed. Note members working in the BoardCloud app will automatically be served that latest version of any republished minutes (or agendas).

Active Agenda Content Widgets

The active agenda content tables and fields, 

You can continue to use your traditional minutes format and automate it by adding certain active content items to it (listed below). This will get your minutes out faster and increase reporting accuracy. 

  • Attendance
  • Outcomes of any motions or votes
  • Task or action items

There are also certain active fields which will populate variables such as:

  • Meeting title
  • Committee
  • Meeting date and time

Saving your Minutes Document

It is only necessary to save your minutes if you have added or edited any text to an agenda item text box in the minutes. It is not necessary to save minutes while building the agenda.

Best practice is to wait until your agenda has been published (or until the meeting has commenced) before working minutes. However the system will accommodate saving as you feel is necessary.

To save your minutes, click the save button located next to the open button in the top left-hand corner of the Minute’s Editor. Highlighted below in a red.

Refreshing Minutes

The most common reason for using the Refresh button is to update active content in the minutes. For example, if attendance has been updated and you need the changes to be reflected in the minutes. Changes to Votes or Tasks may also need to be refreshed in the minutes.

Click the Refresh button located next to the save button in the top left-hand corner of the Minute’s Editor.

All agenda updates should now appear in your minutes.