Add or Edit Committee Details
This section describes how to Add a New Committee as well as how to edit an existing committee's name or details.
Adding A New Committee
From the Committees page, click on the +New Committee button. A popup similar to the below image will open:
The popup below will appear.
There are three input fields:
1) Name of committee is required
2) Committee description is optional
3) Rank, this specifies the order in which your new committee will appear on the list of committees. (See below)
Remember to click Save to record any changes you may have made.
Ranking Committees
When no rank index number is applied to any of the committees, they will be ordered alphabetically. This is the default behavior.
If you prefer to have your committees ranked according to your internal company hierarchy, this can be easily achieved by adding Rank numbers to each of your committees.
Board of Directors on Top
Often, our BoardCloud client's are happy to have their board of directors listed on top, with all other committees ranked alphabetically below the Board.
To achieve this outcome, simply change your board of directors Rank to '1'. To do this, use the up and down arrows at the right end of the Rank input field and save the record. Now your board will appear at the top of your committee listing and all other committees will follow alphabetically below.
This is what it will look like, note the Rank number is displayed behind the committee name, which in this case is the Board of Directors.